2Products found
  • Balsamic vinegar 250 ml

    Alcalá Oliva has selected this excellent Balsamic Vinegar that is made following the ancient method of oxidation of wine and concentrated must.


    • National shipments (Spain mainland) 5€ | International shipments (rest of Europe and Balearic Islands) 15€ | Free shipping on orders over 50€ (only in Peninsula)
    • Estimated delivery time: 3-5 working days (Peninsula) | 5-7 working days (rest of Europe)
    • No deliveries outside the European Union, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla through the online store. Contact info@alcalaoliva.com for more information
  • Sherry vinegar PDO 250 ml

    Alcalá Oliva has selected this authentic Sherry Vinegar with Designation of Origin. It is obtained through the acetic fermentation of wines and aged in oak barrels.


    • National shipments (Spain mainland) 5€ | International shipments (rest of Europe and Balearic Islands) 15€ | Free shipping on orders over 50€ (only in Peninsula)
    • Estimated delivery time: 3-5 working days (Peninsula) | 5-7 working days (rest of Europe)
    • No deliveries outside the European Union, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla through the online store. Contact info@alcalaoliva.com for more information

Alcalá Oliva